Monday, October 27, 2008

I am no longer accepting calls from Grandville Public Schools

School social worker called me about Monkey. She is part of Monkey's IEP team and they are re-evaluating him to see if he qualifies for services, etc. She let me know that he is eligible for services (duh) and that they have finished testing him. She also then asks if he has been to a psychologist and been given any diagnosis'. You mean, besides the one for Autism? She has noticed that Monkey has started squinting/blinking and making a 'slurping' sound sometimes for no apparent reason. (I too have noticed these in the past few weeks) Are they tics, or stims? I dunno, we haven't ever had an issue with tics, so I was just watching and hoping they would go away. Well, maybe we should get his vision tested. I almost started laughing (probably not a good idea to ever laugh at a social worker that is dealing with your kid) This is coming from a person that has struggled to test Monkey for the past few weeks. She KNOWS that it takes this kid several meetings for him to warm up enough to you to do anything besides yell "NO" and/or lay on the floor when you ask something of him, and you better have a skittle or something so when he does what you request, he has enough motivation to do something else for you. At least this method works best for school testing purposes. Sure lady, I will take him off to the doctor, and take him into a dark room and try to get him to look into the funny eye machine and answer questions asked by some stranger. I bet we will have an accurate vision test in minutes!! (I bet I will have a killer migraine in minutes!) But, what do you do? As a parent, and former mandated reporter of child abuse/neglect, I know that if I don't follow through with her suggestion for the eye exam, and he continues to squint, she can accuse me of neglect. But, she KNOWS there is no way to actually do this testing right now. Do I waste my time and money, torture Monkey for no good reason, and frustrate some poor eye doc just so I can say we tried? Nope, I will wait for her to bring it up again, and very sweetly ask when the school is doing IT'S next vision screening, and will she please be available to go with him so they can get an accurate test, since she KNOWS my kid so well now. I know you are just trying to do your job, but could you at least think before you speak, and not ask me to do something that can't really be done right now, and may not even need to be done at all? It is an offhand comment to you, but a bunch of stress for me, because here I am worrying and second-guessing whether or not I am doing the right thing for my kid. AAAARRRRGGGGUUUUHHHHH!!!

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